Part Two
“The unexamined life is not worth living”
“Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.”
-Douglas Adams
“No man is ever old enough to know better.”
-Holbrook Jackson
Mind Manipulation Department Status Report, February 8, 1982 (Earth Time)
To: Chief of MCRGES
From: Head of Mind Manipulation Department
We have arrived on Earth and the necessary equipment was located where it was expected. The delivery crew was extremely professional and should be commended for their accuracy as well as their punctuality.
Once we arrived at Riverview and got settled, we began Stage One of the Mind Manipulation section of the experiment. Our agents began the process of reconnaissance, identifying potential agents of control that will best influence the test subject. We decided that since the subject was in his early formative years according to Earth standards, we would choose people in his elementary school. As he progresses in age and in the local educational system, we will change the agents of influence to suit his developmental stage in life. Full descriptions of suitable agents of control while he is in elementary school are enclosed in the attachment to this status report.
After careful analysis, we believe that the people mentioned in the enclosed attachment will prove to be the best agents of influence. They shall suitably manipulate the subject’s way of thinking towards the goals MCRGES have set out.
ENCL: Agents of Influence List
Analysis and Operations Planning Department Status Report, February 8, 1982 (Earth Time)
To: Chief of MCRGES
From: Head of Analysis and Operations Planning Department
We have arrived on Earth and the necessary equipment was located without any problems. The equipment arrived in excellent physical condition.
After searching around Riverview and the surrounding environs, we have located a perfect site to hold all of this equipment, as well as set up the main headquarters for A&OP. It is a warehouse located outside of city limits. There were some difficulties with the unusual practice that humans call “bargaining.” Once we began to understand this Earth process, we bargained with the warehouse owner [Note from Editors: To most readers, his is confusing as it can be inferred from previous documents that the Itanimulli have had an interest in Earth for a while and they have been monitoring the planet--i.e. newspapers and so forth. Why they would not understand “bargaining” is unusual. After reading several other Itanimulli documents, we have found that the concept of “bargaining” is considered deceptive on their planet and therefore, is not used] and obtained the warehouse at a much lower price than expected. The warehouse, once cleaned, can be modified to a more useful configuration.
There is, however, a problem. In your experiment proposal, there is a section marked “Physical Environmental Factors.” Sadly, we cannot proceed in planning operations or even begin to analyze data until we receive a report from the Physical Environment Group. We have not heard from them since arriving on Earth.
Despite this inconvenience, this division is ahead of schedule and is beginning the implementation of Stage Two of A&OP Experiment Schedule.
Secure Communications to Head of Physical Environment Group, February 20, 1982 (Earth Time)
To: Head of Physical Environment Group
From: Chief of MCRGES
Where is your report you should have sent to the A&OP Department? Also, where is your Status Report for me? It is two weeks late!
Response from Head of Physical Environment Group, March 1, 1982 (Earth Time)
To: Chief of MCRGES
The delay is regretted and will not happen again. The scientists we have sent to analyze the physical environment are suffering from sensory overload. They are overwhelmed by the erratic climate of this sector of Earth. It is a very unusual place. One minute, it is cold and wet with frozen precipitation called snow and another form called sleet; the next, it is warm and sunny. Quite confusing. I dread to discover what may happen in what the humans call spring. We have sent our report to A&OP just one Earth day ago and according to the head of A&OP Department, they have begun the analysis.
Mind Control Research Group Earth Station (MCRGES) Status Report #11, September 2, 1988 (Earth Time)
To: Council of Elders and Scientific Council
From: Smerlon, Chief of MCRGES
I humbly and gratefully thank the Council of Elders for granting me the opportunity to head MCRGES as well as granting me permission to conduct my experiment. In addition, I also humbly and gratefully thank the Scientific Council for believing in my experiment.
Everything is going according to plans. The subject of our experiment is progressing nicely in his early education. He has exceeded all of our expectations. According to Agent of Influence #14312, King has taken IQ tests and has scored in the super-genius level. He has skipped two grade levels and may be advanced to the third grade. He, however, according to his parents, both having their minds modified to follow our suggestions, is studying mathematics reserved for high school students.
There may be some problems with his social development. Because he is so bright intellectually, using Earth standards, the younger agents of influence—the children we have developed—as well as non-agents of influence, resort to verbal and physical taunts. I believe that despite having a possible negative influence on his social development—causing him to become excessively reclusive—he should develop in the regular fashion. It might influence him to follow the proposed suggestions much more readily. The Analysis and Operations Department will conduct more detailed analysis on this and will extrapolate the most likely results.
Excerpts from A&OP Department Extrapolation Report
[Note from Editors: This warning printed on the cover page for the A&OP Department Extrapolation Report sounds very similar to warnings printed on classified documents written on this planet. It is interesting to note that despite being from an alien planet, certain aspects in government never really do seem to change from planet to planet.]
The following document, EXTRAPOLATION REPORT #00013-MCR192-48367TSD has been formally classified as TOP SECRET. The classification has been determined according to the regulations set by Itanimulli Document Classification Level Standards DSD-903.7(f)(1)(B). This document is not meant to be photocopied, reproduced, distributed, or disseminated by any means outside of those personnel that are authorized to see this document according to 9A Itanimulli Statutes and Codes Section 3041. Any violations of this statute will be punishable according to 30 Itanimulli Statutes and Codes Section 701 by the Itanimulli Judicial Council.
This report is to analyze whether or not psychological and verbal taunts by agents of influence the same age as the subject will result in negative social development characterized by extreme social introversion or a tendency to avoid social contact with people.
Negative social development like Earth conditions of social introversion—the tendency to avoid social contact with people—is not common among Itanimulli. In fact, according to all Itanimulli psychological journals and studies, such mental conditions are nonexistent. This is due to the high quality and to the technological advancements in Itanimulli pharmacological substances and psychological therapy. Going into depth and detail describing such differences would be unnecessary and much too lengthy for this extrapolation report. In addition, describing the standard Earth treatments for mental disorders in full technical detail would be unnecessary and much too lengthy for this extrapolation report as well for obvious reasons.
[Note from Editors: We have removed certain sections of this lengthy report because including all of the information would have been lengthy and unnecessary. Nothing informative or relevant has been lost from the deletion of certain information. For example, the rest of the introduction was removed as it described standard Earth treatments for mental disorders in technical detail, thereby taking up nearly twenty pages.]
[This section has been deleted.]
[This section has been deleted.]
A. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
The MMPI has gone through several revisions to make the test more modern so that it the test was up to date as to reflect the issues that did not concern the psychologists of the 1940s, the date the test was first made. After carefully testing the test, psychologists and statisticians restandardized the test to resemble results that accurately resemble the current mix of age, sex, race, and education of the United States as a whole. We asked the test giver, Agent of Influence AOI-4PSY—the school guidance counselor and psychologist—to give the latest version. AOI-4PSY complied with this request.
[Note from Editors: This section has been deleted as it is not needed. We have just saved you from reading at least thirty pages of information that is not needed to understand the meaning of this report.]
According to the test results, the subject has a higher level of social introversion than most children of his age do, but not at a level that would indicate a definite diagnosis of said psychological disorder. Given the possibility that the subject might be lying, the special lie-scale results were checked and they were at normal levels. Therefore, one can conclude that the subject was not lying while taking the test.
D. Rorschach Inkblot Test
Since the previous tests are easy to score, yet highly restrictive in the answers one can give on them, we asked AOI-4PSY to give several projective tests, or tests that permit an unlimited range of responses. This type of test is not foolproof, as most subjects do not respond well to these tests when asked certain questions like “Tell me about yourself.” Such invitations, when made by psychologists, strangely, according to Earth researchers, do not produce any response except lengthy periods of silence followed by, normally, an embellished or untruthful response. Most humans respond by telling an embellished version of the facts that make them look better, or in some cases, more psychologically deviant. This depends on the situation and other factors that somehow bother the human mind in crafting responses.
The assumption of this test, is that by being given vague instructions and 10 cards that have randomly shaped ink blots, the subject will respond by telling the psychologist a significant part of ones personality in some meaningful way. The psychologist records everything the subject does—including eye blinks, length of pauses, and so forth.
[This information has been deleted. See above for reasons why.]
The subject’s responses to the Rorschach Inkblot Test were standard responses for a child of his age. They were the exact responses that all psychologists receive from psychologically normal people. The psychologist believes that the subject might have read a psychology manual about Rorschach Inkblot Tests and memorized standard responses. The coincidence is too good to be just a mere coincidence but suggestive of implying cheating. This response is telling in one way: the subject wants to appear normal so he does not feel left out. One can assume that he is left out and he feels different from his peers. This suggests that the subject might be suffering from social introversion, but according to AOI-4PSY, this kind of behavior is normal for children.
Again, as with earlier tests, the results are highly suggestive of social introversion, but not at a level that may lead to extreme social developmental problems.
According to AOI-4PSY, it is common for children of the age of the school-aged agents of influence to engage in physical and verbal taunts, especially when it comes to pointing out children that are, in some way, “different” than them. By “different,” this term is used in many ways and with many definitions, as depending on the situation it is used in.
Humans do not grow out of this behavior, but engage in more passive-aggressive ways of taunting those that are different. The worst offenders engage in physical violence that can lead more mentally unstable humans to lash out violently and end up injuring or killing others.
The younger agents of influence should end up tiring of this behavior. If they do not grow out of it, AOI-4PSY suggest that these agents of influence should go to psychologist where a diagnosis of a mental condition will lead to chemical and psychological therapy. This therapy will cure such mental afflictions and reduce it to a level that will not stunt social development that will seriously affect their adult life.
Our extrapolation program suggests this course of action. In addition to this course of action, it has prescribed the exact therapy that will lead to the best mental state for this experiment to succeed. The diagnosis and prescribed course of therapy is listed below:
The Rorschach test has come up with a helpful diagnosis, one that should please you immensely. AOI-4PSY states that the results of the test show that the subject is extremely resilient psychologically and has a well-defined sense of self. This should negate any negative psychological damage caused by the constant taunting. AOI-4PSY believes that such mental toughness will prove to be helpful in the future. Some coaxing to engage in more social situations may be needed, but such training should not prove to be too hard to implement. Examples are listed below:
After having the subject take standard Earth psychological and personality tests, along with more advanced Itanimulli psychological testing, we have come to the conclusion that any serious risks of negative social development are unfounded. There is a less than 0.0015 percent chance [Note from Editors: How they managed to calculate this figure with such a high level of accuracy is beyond our comprehension. We are of the mind that this figure is obviously made up to make their report sound more scientific] that such serious risks of negative social development will happen any time in the near future (within 20 Earth years).
The subject may possibly suffer from a minor avoidant personality disorder and possibly, a schitzotypal personality disorder, but this is nothing to worry about. The schitzotypal personality disorder is common with those people who show extreme creativity like Mozart and other creative persons. People with avoidant personality disorder can grow up and be successful people. Despite the low probability of serious negative social development, we should closely monitor his mental condition.
MCRGES Status Report #17, April 17, 1990 (Earth Time)
To: Council of Elders and Scientific Council
From: Chief of MCRGES
The experiment is progressing very well, despite some unexpected problems. Not understanding the mind of humans can be problematic. This, however, does not mean that we will violate the Treaty written by Sardigon. [Note from Editors: Why he is taking the moral high road seems contradictory. He and his staff have already begun to think like humans and have acted like humans in order to not be discovered as being an alien. Isn’t being on the planet already enough of a violation of the Treaty? Again, why this is not a violation is due to personal standards of a violation and not based upon any law or standards. This can be, for an Earth-related example, compared to the old Earth television series Star Trek (and the related spin offs like Next Generation, Voyager, Deep Space Nine, Enterprise) and the Prime Directive where there would be no interaction with alien races that may change or alter their way of life and so forth. The crew violated it every episode and found a way out of such violation.] The staff, quite understandably, would like to better delve into the minds of humans, but I have strictly told them not to delve too deeply into this subject, but to strictly stay in the mindset of the neutral observer. To solve this problem, I have imposed strict guidelines. Any serious violators of the non-integration policy shall be sent back to Itanimullis as quickly as possible for an appropriate punishment. [Note from Editors: In reality, the amount of punishment given to people who violate the Itanimulli Non-Integration Treaty is very minor, despite the high and reverent level of importance the Itanimulli give this law. In general, the punishment is the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. It is a few mind modification sessions and a small fine.]
The subject is following the course of action that we are influencing him to follow. He is obtaining the highest grades in his classes and is the school’s gifted program. In addition, while in the school’s gifted program, he is independently designing a course of study that fits in with his advanced mental intelligence, which according to the school’s gifted counselor, is in her estimation based upon IQ tests, “less than one in a hundred million.” His social development is normal despite the taunting from children, including the younger Agents of Influence. He shows some sign of social introversion, but it is minor.
We expect the most out of this subject and he is exceeding the expectations we are setting for him. He shall be an exceptional person and an extrapolation is not needed to determine this.
“The unexamined life is not worth living”
“Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.”
-Douglas Adams
“No man is ever old enough to know better.”
-Holbrook Jackson
Mind Manipulation Department Status Report, February 8, 1982 (Earth Time)
To: Chief of MCRGES
From: Head of Mind Manipulation Department
We have arrived on Earth and the necessary equipment was located where it was expected. The delivery crew was extremely professional and should be commended for their accuracy as well as their punctuality.
Once we arrived at Riverview and got settled, we began Stage One of the Mind Manipulation section of the experiment. Our agents began the process of reconnaissance, identifying potential agents of control that will best influence the test subject. We decided that since the subject was in his early formative years according to Earth standards, we would choose people in his elementary school. As he progresses in age and in the local educational system, we will change the agents of influence to suit his developmental stage in life. Full descriptions of suitable agents of control while he is in elementary school are enclosed in the attachment to this status report.
After careful analysis, we believe that the people mentioned in the enclosed attachment will prove to be the best agents of influence. They shall suitably manipulate the subject’s way of thinking towards the goals MCRGES have set out.
ENCL: Agents of Influence List
Analysis and Operations Planning Department Status Report, February 8, 1982 (Earth Time)
To: Chief of MCRGES
From: Head of Analysis and Operations Planning Department
We have arrived on Earth and the necessary equipment was located without any problems. The equipment arrived in excellent physical condition.
After searching around Riverview and the surrounding environs, we have located a perfect site to hold all of this equipment, as well as set up the main headquarters for A&OP. It is a warehouse located outside of city limits. There were some difficulties with the unusual practice that humans call “bargaining.” Once we began to understand this Earth process, we bargained with the warehouse owner [Note from Editors: To most readers, his is confusing as it can be inferred from previous documents that the Itanimulli have had an interest in Earth for a while and they have been monitoring the planet--i.e. newspapers and so forth. Why they would not understand “bargaining” is unusual. After reading several other Itanimulli documents, we have found that the concept of “bargaining” is considered deceptive on their planet and therefore, is not used] and obtained the warehouse at a much lower price than expected. The warehouse, once cleaned, can be modified to a more useful configuration.
There is, however, a problem. In your experiment proposal, there is a section marked “Physical Environmental Factors.” Sadly, we cannot proceed in planning operations or even begin to analyze data until we receive a report from the Physical Environment Group. We have not heard from them since arriving on Earth.
Despite this inconvenience, this division is ahead of schedule and is beginning the implementation of Stage Two of A&OP Experiment Schedule.
Secure Communications to Head of Physical Environment Group, February 20, 1982 (Earth Time)
To: Head of Physical Environment Group
From: Chief of MCRGES
Where is your report you should have sent to the A&OP Department? Also, where is your Status Report for me? It is two weeks late!
Response from Head of Physical Environment Group, March 1, 1982 (Earth Time)
To: Chief of MCRGES
The delay is regretted and will not happen again. The scientists we have sent to analyze the physical environment are suffering from sensory overload. They are overwhelmed by the erratic climate of this sector of Earth. It is a very unusual place. One minute, it is cold and wet with frozen precipitation called snow and another form called sleet; the next, it is warm and sunny. Quite confusing. I dread to discover what may happen in what the humans call spring. We have sent our report to A&OP just one Earth day ago and according to the head of A&OP Department, they have begun the analysis.
Mind Control Research Group Earth Station (MCRGES) Status Report #11, September 2, 1988 (Earth Time)
To: Council of Elders and Scientific Council
From: Smerlon, Chief of MCRGES
I humbly and gratefully thank the Council of Elders for granting me the opportunity to head MCRGES as well as granting me permission to conduct my experiment. In addition, I also humbly and gratefully thank the Scientific Council for believing in my experiment.
Everything is going according to plans. The subject of our experiment is progressing nicely in his early education. He has exceeded all of our expectations. According to Agent of Influence #14312, King has taken IQ tests and has scored in the super-genius level. He has skipped two grade levels and may be advanced to the third grade. He, however, according to his parents, both having their minds modified to follow our suggestions, is studying mathematics reserved for high school students.
There may be some problems with his social development. Because he is so bright intellectually, using Earth standards, the younger agents of influence—the children we have developed—as well as non-agents of influence, resort to verbal and physical taunts. I believe that despite having a possible negative influence on his social development—causing him to become excessively reclusive—he should develop in the regular fashion. It might influence him to follow the proposed suggestions much more readily. The Analysis and Operations Department will conduct more detailed analysis on this and will extrapolate the most likely results.
Excerpts from A&OP Department Extrapolation Report
[Note from Editors: This warning printed on the cover page for the A&OP Department Extrapolation Report sounds very similar to warnings printed on classified documents written on this planet. It is interesting to note that despite being from an alien planet, certain aspects in government never really do seem to change from planet to planet.]
The following document, EXTRAPOLATION REPORT #00013-MCR192-48367TSD has been formally classified as TOP SECRET. The classification has been determined according to the regulations set by Itanimulli Document Classification Level Standards DSD-903.7(f)(1)(B). This document is not meant to be photocopied, reproduced, distributed, or disseminated by any means outside of those personnel that are authorized to see this document according to 9A Itanimulli Statutes and Codes Section 3041. Any violations of this statute will be punishable according to 30 Itanimulli Statutes and Codes Section 701 by the Itanimulli Judicial Council.
This report is to analyze whether or not psychological and verbal taunts by agents of influence the same age as the subject will result in negative social development characterized by extreme social introversion or a tendency to avoid social contact with people.
Negative social development like Earth conditions of social introversion—the tendency to avoid social contact with people—is not common among Itanimulli. In fact, according to all Itanimulli psychological journals and studies, such mental conditions are nonexistent. This is due to the high quality and to the technological advancements in Itanimulli pharmacological substances and psychological therapy. Going into depth and detail describing such differences would be unnecessary and much too lengthy for this extrapolation report. In addition, describing the standard Earth treatments for mental disorders in full technical detail would be unnecessary and much too lengthy for this extrapolation report as well for obvious reasons.
[Note from Editors: We have removed certain sections of this lengthy report because including all of the information would have been lengthy and unnecessary. Nothing informative or relevant has been lost from the deletion of certain information. For example, the rest of the introduction was removed as it described standard Earth treatments for mental disorders in technical detail, thereby taking up nearly twenty pages.]
[This section has been deleted.]
[This section has been deleted.]
A. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
The MMPI has gone through several revisions to make the test more modern so that it the test was up to date as to reflect the issues that did not concern the psychologists of the 1940s, the date the test was first made. After carefully testing the test, psychologists and statisticians restandardized the test to resemble results that accurately resemble the current mix of age, sex, race, and education of the United States as a whole. We asked the test giver, Agent of Influence AOI-4PSY—the school guidance counselor and psychologist—to give the latest version. AOI-4PSY complied with this request.
[Note from Editors: This section has been deleted as it is not needed. We have just saved you from reading at least thirty pages of information that is not needed to understand the meaning of this report.]
According to the test results, the subject has a higher level of social introversion than most children of his age do, but not at a level that would indicate a definite diagnosis of said psychological disorder. Given the possibility that the subject might be lying, the special lie-scale results were checked and they were at normal levels. Therefore, one can conclude that the subject was not lying while taking the test.
D. Rorschach Inkblot Test
Since the previous tests are easy to score, yet highly restrictive in the answers one can give on them, we asked AOI-4PSY to give several projective tests, or tests that permit an unlimited range of responses. This type of test is not foolproof, as most subjects do not respond well to these tests when asked certain questions like “Tell me about yourself.” Such invitations, when made by psychologists, strangely, according to Earth researchers, do not produce any response except lengthy periods of silence followed by, normally, an embellished or untruthful response. Most humans respond by telling an embellished version of the facts that make them look better, or in some cases, more psychologically deviant. This depends on the situation and other factors that somehow bother the human mind in crafting responses.
The assumption of this test, is that by being given vague instructions and 10 cards that have randomly shaped ink blots, the subject will respond by telling the psychologist a significant part of ones personality in some meaningful way. The psychologist records everything the subject does—including eye blinks, length of pauses, and so forth.
[This information has been deleted. See above for reasons why.]
The subject’s responses to the Rorschach Inkblot Test were standard responses for a child of his age. They were the exact responses that all psychologists receive from psychologically normal people. The psychologist believes that the subject might have read a psychology manual about Rorschach Inkblot Tests and memorized standard responses. The coincidence is too good to be just a mere coincidence but suggestive of implying cheating. This response is telling in one way: the subject wants to appear normal so he does not feel left out. One can assume that he is left out and he feels different from his peers. This suggests that the subject might be suffering from social introversion, but according to AOI-4PSY, this kind of behavior is normal for children.
Again, as with earlier tests, the results are highly suggestive of social introversion, but not at a level that may lead to extreme social developmental problems.
According to AOI-4PSY, it is common for children of the age of the school-aged agents of influence to engage in physical and verbal taunts, especially when it comes to pointing out children that are, in some way, “different” than them. By “different,” this term is used in many ways and with many definitions, as depending on the situation it is used in.
Humans do not grow out of this behavior, but engage in more passive-aggressive ways of taunting those that are different. The worst offenders engage in physical violence that can lead more mentally unstable humans to lash out violently and end up injuring or killing others.
The younger agents of influence should end up tiring of this behavior. If they do not grow out of it, AOI-4PSY suggest that these agents of influence should go to psychologist where a diagnosis of a mental condition will lead to chemical and psychological therapy. This therapy will cure such mental afflictions and reduce it to a level that will not stunt social development that will seriously affect their adult life.
Our extrapolation program suggests this course of action. In addition to this course of action, it has prescribed the exact therapy that will lead to the best mental state for this experiment to succeed. The diagnosis and prescribed course of therapy is listed below:
The Rorschach test has come up with a helpful diagnosis, one that should please you immensely. AOI-4PSY states that the results of the test show that the subject is extremely resilient psychologically and has a well-defined sense of self. This should negate any negative psychological damage caused by the constant taunting. AOI-4PSY believes that such mental toughness will prove to be helpful in the future. Some coaxing to engage in more social situations may be needed, but such training should not prove to be too hard to implement. Examples are listed below:
After having the subject take standard Earth psychological and personality tests, along with more advanced Itanimulli psychological testing, we have come to the conclusion that any serious risks of negative social development are unfounded. There is a less than 0.0015 percent chance [Note from Editors: How they managed to calculate this figure with such a high level of accuracy is beyond our comprehension. We are of the mind that this figure is obviously made up to make their report sound more scientific] that such serious risks of negative social development will happen any time in the near future (within 20 Earth years).
The subject may possibly suffer from a minor avoidant personality disorder and possibly, a schitzotypal personality disorder, but this is nothing to worry about. The schitzotypal personality disorder is common with those people who show extreme creativity like Mozart and other creative persons. People with avoidant personality disorder can grow up and be successful people. Despite the low probability of serious negative social development, we should closely monitor his mental condition.
MCRGES Status Report #17, April 17, 1990 (Earth Time)
To: Council of Elders and Scientific Council
From: Chief of MCRGES
The experiment is progressing very well, despite some unexpected problems. Not understanding the mind of humans can be problematic. This, however, does not mean that we will violate the Treaty written by Sardigon. [Note from Editors: Why he is taking the moral high road seems contradictory. He and his staff have already begun to think like humans and have acted like humans in order to not be discovered as being an alien. Isn’t being on the planet already enough of a violation of the Treaty? Again, why this is not a violation is due to personal standards of a violation and not based upon any law or standards. This can be, for an Earth-related example, compared to the old Earth television series Star Trek (and the related spin offs like Next Generation, Voyager, Deep Space Nine, Enterprise) and the Prime Directive where there would be no interaction with alien races that may change or alter their way of life and so forth. The crew violated it every episode and found a way out of such violation.] The staff, quite understandably, would like to better delve into the minds of humans, but I have strictly told them not to delve too deeply into this subject, but to strictly stay in the mindset of the neutral observer. To solve this problem, I have imposed strict guidelines. Any serious violators of the non-integration policy shall be sent back to Itanimullis as quickly as possible for an appropriate punishment. [Note from Editors: In reality, the amount of punishment given to people who violate the Itanimulli Non-Integration Treaty is very minor, despite the high and reverent level of importance the Itanimulli give this law. In general, the punishment is the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. It is a few mind modification sessions and a small fine.]
The subject is following the course of action that we are influencing him to follow. He is obtaining the highest grades in his classes and is the school’s gifted program. In addition, while in the school’s gifted program, he is independently designing a course of study that fits in with his advanced mental intelligence, which according to the school’s gifted counselor, is in her estimation based upon IQ tests, “less than one in a hundred million.” His social development is normal despite the taunting from children, including the younger Agents of Influence. He shows some sign of social introversion, but it is minor.
We expect the most out of this subject and he is exceeding the expectations we are setting for him. He shall be an exceptional person and an extrapolation is not needed to determine this.
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