
Part Four...The Madness Continues

[Note from Editors: The complaints raised by CTODAG would prove to be prophetic as King did know of the Plan. Why the Chief of MCRGES did not listen can be best explained by the following: losing face. The Chief of MCRGES was running a successful experiment and by even considering, let alone admitting that the subject knew what was going on would have been disastrous to his reputation and the validity of the experiment. It was much easier to pretend that nothing was wrong instead of taking time to investigate.]
Communications to Head of Analysis &Operations Planning Division, September 22, 2004 (Earth Time)
To: Head of Analysis &Operations Planning Division
From: Chief Technology Officer, Data Analysis Group (CTODAG)
My job is to analyze all publicly available information that comes from the subject, at least all material that is oral or written and that can be confirmed as being written by the subject.
One of the materials that fit these constraints are posts written on his blog, with the home page at [WEB SITE ADDRESS DELETED]. The relevant passage is at the following link: [WEB SITE ADDRESS DELETED].
After scanning this post through the filter program, the post raised several red flags. All of these red flags related to the Experiment and the Plan related to it. The relevant passage is as follows:
What if the world was an elaborately designed stage with all the buildings and trees and everything else created just to make the ruse seem real? What if everything we did was elaborately scripted and we are all actors or worse, puppets controlled by some higher power of some sort, not necessarily God? But let’s take that to an extreme degree. You’re the only person that exists in this fantasy world. The only independent person there. Everyone else is there to get you to conform and follow an established set of behavior. One giant conspiracy and you are the sole focus of this conspiracy against you. One person against the entire world.
As you can see from this relevant passage, the subject has written about the basic structure of the Experiment and the Plan related to it. The basic premises that the world has been crafted to make the experiment work. The actions of those he interact with have been scripted for a basic purpose. The only “real” person is the subject. The whole hypothesis: basic conformity to an established set of behavior. The focus of the experiment is just he alone.
One might argue that this is just a random coincidence and that this is the blind grasping of straws of a person. Random thoughts. A passing whim. This, however, is a faulty conclusion, despite what the extrapolation programs might print out, actually what the extrapolation programs have printed out. He HAS discovered the Plan and the Experiment. Therefore, this experiment should be stopped right now.
-Virgus Krallon, CTODAG

Secure Communication to MCRGES from Head of A&OP Division, September 24, 2004 (Earth Time)
To: Head of MCRGES
From: Head of A&OP Division
I received a communication from my Chief Technology Officer, Data Analysis Division, and he sent me an interesting communication. By interesting, I mean reckless and baseless based upon the lack of evidence and the results from the extrapolation program.
He believes, based upon his beliefs, is that the subject has figured out the Experiment and the Plan associated with such said Experiment. In addition, he states that the experiment should be stopped immediately. He bases this on his instincts, a generally human behavior. All due to one paragraph in a much longer writing done by the subject. His basis? Given all these happening at once, it really can’t be coincidence.
There is much evidence against this very rash conclusion. All the extrapolation programs have given the opposite result with 96.27 percent certainty. The subject, in addition, has strictly adhered to the route we have chosen for him, despite declarations expressing doubt. This is normal as humans always express uncertainty despite certainty. I would rather believe the results based on hard science than gut instincts right now. It is common sense and the results from the extrapolation program back this up.
I suggest that the CTODAG has been assimilated too much and cannot be trusted for being non-biased. It might be good if CTODAG is placed upon probation and should spend some time back on Itanimullis to gain a proper perspective.
ENCL: Text of Subject’s Writing, Extrapolation Program Results

Secure Communication to Head of A&OP Division from MCRGES, September 26, 2004 (Earth Time)
To: Head of A&OP Division
From: Head of MCRGES
After reading the text of the subject’s writing and seeing the extrapolation program results, I must concur with your conclusions. It is a rash conclusion to come to, based upon the lack of evidence.
It would be a good idea if the Agents of Influence keep a closer watch on the subject to make sure he is not playing a ruse. The subject is quite intelligent and is a cunning strategist, plus he has an independent streak. We must make sure that his actions are his true actions.
About CTODAG…your suggestions of what to do about him…I approve. Effective immediately, he shall be placed upon probation and henceforth, be sent on the first shuttle back to Itanimullis. Make an example out of him. It is so sad that he had to be the first Itanimulli to assimilate to human ways.

Order to Chief of Technology, Data Analysis Group, September 28, 2004 (Earth Time)
To: Chief of Technology, Data Analysis Group
From: Head of Mind Control Research Group Earth Station
Virgus Krallon-
I have received your communication to the Head of the Analysis and Operations Planning Division and I have carefully read it. I also have read the extrapolation program results as well. In addition, I have seen the post as well. After carefully reading all available evidence, and after carefully thinking things over, it is my deepest regrets that you have been temporarily removed from your position, Chief of Technology, Data Analysis Group.
I believe that you have received too much human influence while on Earth. Krallon, you shall be placed on probation and henceforth, be sent on the first shuttle back to Itanimullis. As I have stated earlier, it is a shame that it had to come to this action, and for such an excellent and bright scientist.

Entry in David King’s Electronic Journal (Decrypted)
[LAST LOGIN DATE: 09/21/04]
[ENTRY TIME: 08:34:07PM]
[ENTER PASSCODE: QdePo9#vm0PiC2$LcBeqwsA6oUyWxh5HntY8u3DFjlb61PV#&y1DxQiUYVbn9mBvCeRu5OO8kHcM49uRVyPL1%Kbm3IxVbwp]
[ENTER E-JOURNAL PASSCODE: cQ7LhG5%1DXv3Z0IkeM@9YpJdOi9#7fSZv6py!cb2Nr]
8:34:11 AM 10/02/04
I am wondering what They are doing right now at this moment. The stuff that I wrote in my blog, all of those seemingly random musings about their little Experiment and the Plan must have thrown them for a real big loop. They must be throwing a real big fit right now. Well, at least this is what I think They are doing. It’s kind of hard to accurately conjecture what They, some people, some civilization that I don’t anything about, look like or what they do. I am assuming right now that They are similar to humans, but I guess I am being totally Earth-centric.
Whatever they look like, whatever they think, I just don’t care at this moment. That is just not that important right now at this moment. What I am going to do next, that is much more important right now. You know what? I am going to go mess up their plans, seriously mess up their plans. Once I get through with them, they are going to regret ever meeting me. They are going to regret making me the center of their plans. Yes, once they get a serious dose of what I am capable of, they are going to regret it.
In order to do this effectively, I need to seek out and identify who their minions, their agents are—the humans who are under their control—and more importantly, if it is possible, who the active They are. If any of Them are out on Earth, especially any out here at the Law School, I will find them and I will mess with them mentally. Right now, I’m not going to mess with them physically. Though there is no mental without physical. Doing physical damage to them would be too much at this moment. It will be fun to go and screw with them minds. I’ve always wanted to see what it is like to psychologically destroy the mind of an alien.
I wouldn’t be surprised if They have any of their agents out here at this moment. I’ve had that suspicion for a long time. A very long time. But there is going to be a problem with identifying the agents. Everyone could be an agent. I will have to distinguish between an innocent comment and a comment that is meant to be suggestions from the They.
I’m not going to give the They the advantage. I am going to play a forceful beginning and play the game of mental chess with a strong offensive attack-style. It is going to be no-quarters, no-holds-barred, blitz-them-constantly, a truly unpredictable type of combat. If I have to lose a few important pieces like a queen to win the game and to win the match, then I will go and do it if I have to. Whatever is necessary.
My mental sanity is just a minor thing right now when compared to everything that is at stake in this game. The true prize is my freedom. Losing sanity, losing friends, losing anything, no matter what, is nothing. What good are friends if you aren’t free to enjoy your life, as you want to enjoy it, to do what you want to do, because you decided you wanted to do it, when you know it’s all a well-constructed sham? What good is anything [Note from Editors: This is an unusual and possibly extreme viewpoint but given the situation, we would not know what to do. We might have just done nothing, sadly, instead of resisting and fighting back.]?
I need to do a look up in my list of contacts to implement some parts of my plan, after I make sure they aren’t one of them. They have experience in areas that I do not have much experience in. As much as I like them, I can’t afford to make any mistakes in the people that I associate with. One mistake and they find out my secret—that I know what they are doing in their experiment. If I make a mistake and exclude an actual human not tainted by the influence of a They, then that’s the price I pay. As much as I like them, I hope that they’re human…

“Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are, and to make new things like them.”
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Meditations (ch. IV, 36)
“I am tied to the stake, and I must stand the course.”
-Gloucester, King Lear, Act III, Scene vii, 57
Excerpts from Journal of AOI-71JDO
[Note from Editors: The name of the law school was not removed by the Editors, but by the Dean of the law school. Why he decided to remove the name of the law school is unknown. We have contacted the estate for additional materials, but there were none. Apparently, before the Dean died, he burned all his papers, except for the few excerpts that are published in this work.
As to the expletives that were deleted, the Dean, who after his conversion was so ashamed that he removed them. It is not necessary to include the expletives as it is easy to surmise what certain words he used in his journal. That and it is not necessary to include them for any reasons of context or ease of interpretation or for historical accuracy. This was the original state of the documents when we received them.]

It is that time of the year again. Time to resume my much-vaunted position of the Dean of [NAME OF UNIVERSITY REMOVED] School of Law. Much-vaunted position? What a [expletive] load of [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted]. If this job was as good as they said, I would be getting paid more, a whole [expletive deleted] truckload more. The [expletive deleted] state of [STATE DELETED] is too cheap to pay me more. I’m running the school that makes the future lawyers that protects the right-wing nutjob wackos that are currently running the State of [STATE DELETED]. I’m dealing with pseudo-intellectual pompous professors and making sure their egos are well-fed without letting them go out of control. In addition to that, I’m keeping rein on hundreds of young adults that will graduate with a law degree and most likely turn into alcoholics and druggies. Making sure that they don’t [expletive deleted] up too seriously and lose their chance to be good taxpayers with six-figure incomes. [Expletive deleted] [expletive deleted]. And for what? I don’t even get a decent parking space. You know what? I have to go park nearby a bunch of [expletive deleted] hippie grad students. The head of the med school gets better parking than I do? What’s so special about that person? Oh yeah. As a doctor, he can KILL people…by accident of course. Even worse, some person saying he is from some planet named Itanimullis stops me and says that I will keep a careful eye on one of the new 1Ls. Hey, I’ll keep an eye on a 1L student as long as they are female and attractive. What the [expletive deleted]? Like I’m going to believe that little spiel? He’s an alien. Yeah [expletive deleted] right! So I tell this paranoid-schizophrenic, “[Expletive deleted] off! Who the [expletive deleted] do you think you are? Telling me that I’m supposed to keep a watch on a [expletive deleted] 1L? You aren’t a cop and you sure as [expletive deleted] isn’t my boss, so what gives? I think you’re a nutjob, so keep the [expletive deleted] away from me!
He walks away and says, “I see you are not very receptive. Maybe when we meet again, you will not be so hostile.”
The nerve of people! Thinks that he can intimidate me!
Not to sound paranoid, but I think that same [expletive deleted] wacko who talked to me on the first day of school was near my house this weekend. If you ask for my personal opinion, this is pretty [expletive deleted] suspicious. I hope it’s not some [expletive deleted] private investigator or something. That would be bad for my reputation. Something really strange about that guy. What does he want to do with some 1L? I know that King is an excellent student. One of the best 1Ls we’ve had at [SCHOOL NAME DELETED] in a long time. If that wacko comes around again, I’m going to call the cops on him.
Seriously, I am going to call the cops on him.
Yeah, that will show him who is boss.
I [expletive deleted] knew it! My suspicions about that [expletive deleted] wacko was right! He was by my house during the weekend! I wonder if he is a private investigator. If he is, I want to know who the [expletive deleted] hired him to watch me. You know, I’m going to call the cops tomorrow. He’s a nuisance!
I’m looking at my journal entries and I am puzzled by some of the journal entries that I have in this journal. Why do I refer to this “wacko” as if he exists and why does he figure so prominently in my journal entries? I don’t know who this “wacko” is? And why do I use such repulsive language in my entries? This is not good for my reputation as a law school dean. Do I use such horrible language in real life? If I do, then I must make a change. I shudder to think that I actually use such language.
I think I will go and ask about David King. He is an excellent student and it would be a shame if he did not succeed academically while at this law school. Mr. King is a priority.

Action Report from MCRGES Local Area Agent, September 5, 2004 (Earth Time)
To: Head of MCRGES
From: MCRGES Local Area Agent, Law School Sector
You will be glad to know that I have successfully completed Stage One of the conversion process at the [SCHOOL NAME DELETED] School of Law. The most important Agent of Influence at the [SCHOOL NAME DELETED] School of Law—the Dean of the Law School, [NAME DELETED]—was the hardest one to accomplish. He proved to be a terrible person before the changes I made to his mind. Very resistant to change, despite saying he has an open mind. The Dean received the Agent of Influence Designation AOI-71JDO.
The Dean—AOI-71JDO—proved to be a very foul-mouthed individual with little redeeming characteristics. Actually, none what so ever. This is an honest description, completely unbiased and completely based upon careful observation. In public, AOI-71JDO has the image of being glib, smooth talking, and very personable. He has an aura, a sense of vital charisma: qualities that on Earth are redeeming characteristics. They are characteristics that are vital—no, essential—for what humans call Public Relations, or PR. As the Head of the law school, AOI-71JDO, needs such characteristics to survive in his position.
In private, when he is not being watched, AOI-71JDO, is a different person. One that, quite honestly, is a complete opposite of his public image. He uses expletives and foul language that would be censored and considered excessive, even by the most foul-mouthed human or the most free-speaking mind. AOI-71JDO teaches a course on First Amendment Rights and interestingly enough, “free speech” is a part of said rights. I doubt that the Supreme Court that AOI-71JDO speaks so eloquently of during his lectures would consider his language fitting within the acceptable bounds of free speech.
After trying to deal with him reasonably and rationally, I decided that more forceful measures would be needed. My first three encounters ended negatively. The first encounter was the worst of the three encounters. When I tried to give our basic needs to him in a sensible manner, he responded to such kindly worded demands with a tirade of angry and vile language.
The second encounter did not fare so well. I reasoned that meeting him at his home would lead to more fruitful results. Being at home generally calms such people down and puts them in a more responsive, receptive and relaxed mood. He responded with another verbal tirade of foul language. He said the following: “You’re the same [expletive deleted] wacko who talked to me a few days ago! You [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] punk! Keep your [expletive deleted] [expletive deleted] away or I’m going to [expletive deleted] give you a beating you wont forget before I call the cops!”
The third encounter, the one before I used more forceful means, ended with the same results. After this encounter, I decided to use Itanimulli mind control technology techniques to change his attitude. I dread to consider what might have happened if AOI-71JDO did not change his awful behavior. Awful. Just awful.
Our fourth and final meeting led to distinctly positive results. After receiving a terribly long and dreadful verbal tirade that questioned my paternity, my mother’s sexual behavior, and my personal sexual preferences, as well as other insults, I pulled out a standard Itanimulli hypno-light and used it once on him. I made sure that there were no other people around before using the hypno-light and I made sure that there were no other people around.
After using the hypno-light, I used a one-way invisibility screen that made us invisible to others, but allowing me to see others. While the screen was activated, I connected him to a mind and behavior modification machine. I typed in the behavior variables that I wanted him to change and the behavior variables I wanted to keep. In addition, I modified his neurochemistry to better accept such behaviors and to keep him calm and less volatile. I believe that such changes were needed and that such changes would be approved.
Once the entire process of mind and behavior modification was made, I thoroughly erased all memories of myself from his short-term and long-term memory. Once that was done, I turned off the invisibility screen and quickly left.
I currently believe that AOI-71JDO will be a much better Agent of Influence now that these changes have been made.

Response from MCRGES to Local Area Agent, September 6, 2004 (Earth Time)
To: MCRGES Local Area Agent, Law School Sector
From: Head of MCRGES
Excellent work. I approve of what actions you took. [Note from Editors: Another instance of hypocrisy by the Head of MCRGES. We have read the entire copy of his research proposal and there is no mention of allowing Field Agents to use behavior modification machines on human Agents of Influence. We do not know who authorized this particular action. There is absolutely no paperwork available, at least to us, which authorize this action. We have thoroughly searched and re-searched the Itanimulli Archives.] After looking at the behavior profile of AOI-71JDO, I agree that your actions will make him a much better Agent of Influence.
Due to your initiative and your commendable actions, you have hereby received a bonus to your annual salary as well as a temporary increase in rank.
I hope you continue to do excellent work in the future. You are a valuable asset to Itanimullis and the scientific research program.

Excerpts from Journal of AOI-71JDO
I have been keeping in touch with the other major AOIs in the Law School. They are all law school professors who are teaching Mr. King his first year courses. All are reporting that Mr. King is an excellent student as his records have shown.
His Contracts Professor, Mr. [NAME DELETED], says that Mr. King shows lots of promise in Contracts and he would like Mr. King to take more contracts courses. I would concur, but I think that Mr. King should expand his horizons and not take such a narrow focus. Maybe he can take courses that include contracts in their course descriptions like Family Law and Real Estate Law and Land Transactions.
His Property Professor, Mr. [NAME DELETED], says that King is an attentive and smart student, always focused. It is another positive review of Mr. King’s abilities. We sure have done a great job in choosing King.
I believe that the Lawyering Small Section leader is not being as truthful as I would hope. In order to get the maximum results from King, it is necessary to get an honest evaluation. [NAME DELETED] states that they have a good relationship, but I doubt this. I have overheard King talk about Lawyering Small Section and he does not sound exactly happy. As the Law School Dean, I really don’t blame King as Lawyering is not an exactly useful course. It is not focused on real-life examples, but is more of a moot academic exercise. I really would like to revamp the course, but the American Bar Association can be a real pain. Their standards are not the best ones to have. I think they are useless. After seeing [NAME DELETED] teach the small section and seeing how students are so frustrated after visiting [NAME DELETED], I too would be bitter about the class. I think that [NAME DELETED] should change their teaching style. No, it is not should change, it is “will change.” We can’t afford to have so many bitter students angry with a class. It would not be good, especially if it is King. Must keep King happy. A happy King is a good King [Note from Editors: Apparently, the Itanimulli Mind Control programming is highly effective, though highly scary from reading this journal entry.]
I’ve had a discussion with [NAME DELETED], the Lawyering Small Section leader about his teaching style. He was not happy, but I convinced him to make a few minor changes as the students were complaining about it. I showed him some of his latest performance reviews—the more negative ones, as all of them are negative—and said that this was not acceptable. If he did not have a substantial change in his reviews, this law school would not want him to teach here as it reflected poorly on the law school. Ineffective teachers are bad.
He denied that he had such reviews and that he was an excellent professor. He said that he never received any complaints about his teaching style. Well, he has known about this and even the Lawyering professor said [NAME DELETED], in his own words, “sucked badly at teaching Lawyering.” I had to persuade him a little more forcefully to change his mind.
He changed his mind after some prodding, well, a lot of prodding, but he did change his mind after a bit of thinking. Ah, it is really good to be the Dean of a law school. Everyone will be happy with this change. King will be happy with this change. King is important.

Entry in David King’s Electronic Journal (Decrypted)
[LAST LOGIN DATE: 10/02/04]
[ENTRY TIME: 09:32:47AM]
[ENTER PASSCODE: QdePo9#vm0PiC2$LcBeqwsA6oUyWxh5HntY8u3DFjlb61PV#&y1DxQiUYVbn9mBvCeRu5OO8kHcM49uRVyPL1%Kbm3IxVbwp]
[ENTER E-JOURNAL PASSCODE: cQ7LhG5%1DXv3Z0IkeM@9YpJdOi9#7fSZv6py!cb2Nr]
09:32:55 AM 10/07/04
“Thou shalt, in thy Warrior’s Mind and Soul, always remember My ultimate and final Commandment: There are No Rules—Thou Shalt Win at All Cost.”
-Richard Marcinko, The Rogue Warrior’s Ten Commandments of SpecWar
My counterattack is going well, it’s going very well. Hey, I know I am not General Patton or even Julius Caesar, but I know something about tactics. I know what I know. I might not be pulling out the massive firepower like the big guns or the tactical air strikes, but it’s happening quietly. Sometimes, the most effective counterattack is the quiet one, the one the enemy doesn’t know about. That’s the best one.
I know They are stalking me right now. I know They are searching me out using their Hunter teams to sniff me out. I know They want me to go the way they want me to go follow, but I am not going to let them get me. I’m never going to let them get me. It’s not going to happen. Because I know how to get out of this little trap that They have planned to ensnare me in. I won’t fall for their trap. I won’t follow their plan willingly anymore.
When you don’t know whom exactly the enemy is, you have to counterattack slowly. You have to plot and scheme carefully. You have to move slowly and make sure your flanks are covered, your rear is clear, and the front is safe. It takes time. A counterattack isn’t a massive and flashy firepower display. It’s an effective attack that takes out the enemy, no matter what the size of the attack.
You may be thinking, “So, Mr. Military Genius, how do you beat an ambush team when you don’t know who the enemy is or how many there are?” As the great tacticians do in this situation, they circle around carefully, come back on their own tracks, cover their trails, and ambush the people who want to ambush you. Unlike the military men, I’m not going to lay a physical trail right now. There won’t be any tire threads or broken branches or anything of that nature. I’m going to leave a different type of trail. It’s going to be a massively twisting and confusing mess of electronic documents, little hints that suggest a million different things. It will lead them to an unknown place, forcing them to leave their own comfort zones, forcing them to move slowly to get their bearings. I’ll lead them to a place that they won’t expect, but one that I know. This path will be one they haven’t thought of or even expected. By the time they reach the place I want them to be, they’ll be confused. I’ll be waiting for them and I will get them all. That is a promise I will not break. It’s that simple.
I’ve come up with ideas about who at the Law School are the top Agents of Influence and therefore, people I should be careful around. The top Agent of Influence has to be the Dean of the Law School. Hey, he’s the top man at the Law School. He was on the Selection Board that chose which people got to be the students at the Law School. It’s obvious. That’s not all. I think someone at the law school has seen one of Them. Yes, one of the They that are responsible for this experiment.
I’m not going to name any names, so I’ll refer to this person as X. [Note from Editor: X is like the shadowy figure of Deep Throat of Watergate. Why Mr. King still managed to trust X, despite what King knew, is quite surprising.] This person, X, despite being a 1L, has a parking permit at the parking garage. I’m not sure how, but X has a permit that is highly coveted by everyone. After parking their car on the second level, X happened to see the Dean talking to a strange man. I use the term “man” in the loosest definition of the word, for I know they are not men or women or human. He is dressed entirely in black and he is wearing black sunglasses. This “man” is dressed just like the Men in Black (MIB) that UFO conspiracy theorists talk about constantly.
The Dean, according to X, was getting out of their car when this man walked up to him and said some words. X is not sure about what was said, but X got some fragments. MIB said something about keeping an eye on someone. X decided that this was a bad situation. It was a gut feeling that something was going to happen. X is good about these things. I can always trust X to be right and X proved to be correct.
X immediately hid behind a car—X’s car. A concrete pillar was conveniently nearby and that helped X get camouflaged pretty well. What X saw was amazing.
The Dean let loose an angry stream of curse words. That’s not all too surprising. I’ve seen him let loose and even a hardcore gangster rapper couldn’t top it. Make them hang their head in shame for being outdone by a middle-aged white guy. Either that or in shame for doing rap records that use curse words in such a manner. He is that loose with his use when he is speaking certain four-letter words.
And the MIB pulled out a device that flashed a bright light. The Dean froze and his attitude suddenly changed. He became docile and quiet. No words at all. Absolute silence. Amazing. I’ve never seen him quiet before. The MIB put that in his pocket and pulled out another little device and when the MIB used that, he disappeared. POOF! Just like a cartoon magician. He became completely invisible, along with the Dean. Just as quickly as they disappeared, they magically reappeared. In an instant. No lag of any kind. They walked away as if nothing had happened. It was the most amazing thing he had ever seen in his entire life.
I believe X, despite X telling this crazy story. In a different light, I would consider this story to be so crazy, I would consider it fantasy. But I can believe it because I know it to be possible. I know that They are there. I know that this story has to be true. I must believe.
Given this development and analyzing it with raw mental power (and not with some fancy computer), I can safely come to the conclusion that the Dean is an Agent of Influence. He is the major Agent of Influence at the Law School. The other Agents of Influence—at least the ones that I know of—must be my professors. The ones who are teaching me right now.
It has to be them right now. They have the most access to me at the law school, the ones who will shape what classes I take, the ones who will guide me to stay in law school and ultimately, become what They want me to be. I’m sure of it. I don’t have hard evidence—as if They are going to make mistakes and leave evidence out in the open—but there is circumstantial evidence that points to that direction. My Contracts professor invites his class to his house for a party and he would like me to be there. He only told me this. My other professors seem to focus on me during class and makes sure I understand everything. My Lawyering Small Section leader has changed his way of teaching.
This is the first battle of this secret war. They fired the first salvo long before I knew what happened. Now that I know I have an enemy and they are waging war on my home turf, I am fighting back. This is the first battle and it may prove to be a long battle. A lengthy battle of attrition where both sides will suffer heavy losses. I might, hopefully, win this first battle against the largest enemy force I know—They. This is just the beginning. I might win this first battle, but I know this will not be the end. I cannot and I will not claim total victory after this bloody battle. There will be another equally terribly battle and another one and another one.
This will be the first battle in a lengthy campaign being fought at law school. The classrooms and hallways will be the battlefield. The first year of law school with the first stage in the law school campaign. After fighting this first campaign and possibly winning or losing, there will be another campaign and another campaign. The stakes escalate higher and higher and higher until it reaches an unbearable level. After enough campaigns and enough is put on the line, one of the sides will give up and declare a ceasefire. Or neither side decides to give up and there will be a détente. A cold war. A seemingly permanent stalemate.
I may not win convincingly, but I will not give up. I will go for the win and if not, I will go for the stalemate. After all, I have all the time in the world. I’ll bury myself into a position that they will have to drop tactical nukes to get me out. And I won’t be blown out. I will stick there for a long time, a very long time. I guarantee that They won’t win.
There are no rules in this war; there are no Geneva Conventions in this war. No Marquis of Queensbury Rules. I will make the rules for this fight and I will control the situation. If They don’t like it, They’ll just have to deal with the situation just as I am doing right now. I’ll change the situation and factors so that the odds are in my favor to guarantee a win or a stalemate for me. If I end up in a stalemate, I’ll just sit and wait and plan. I will plan a way to win. There is no such thing as surrender. Losing is not an option. I will, no I shall win at all costs.

Email to Viktor Pedarenko From David King
Subject: Computer Repair Question
Hey, how are you doing? It’s been a while since we have last talked, but I have a problem that you may be able to solve. You’re the best guy I know who can fix a computer.
My computer is not working or so it seems to appear to be so. I won’t bore you with technical details, but will give a non-technical version. I know that you can solve such problems and your solution and explanation will be straightforward.
I can access the Internet fine, but my hard drive is acting funny. It makes a strange noise when I try to use my HTML editor. You know I have a blog and it’s important that the HTML editor works properly.
Apparently, when I tried to access my HTML editor, it said that the file was not found. This is odd as I did a search on Windows Explorer and it appears to be there. It exists on Windows Explorer, but it doesn’t exist according to the computer.
Please let me know what could be wrong and any solutions to this problem. It would be great if you could respond as soon as possible.
[Note from Editors: Apparently, Mr. King and Mr. Pedarenko had a coded word double-talk system that is based upon the code word system that is used by intelligence agents. This shows a level of paranoia that may or may not be justified. It is safe to assume that Mr. King and Mr. Pedarenko must have communicated in this manner quite often, or they would have never have decided to speak in code, let alone mutually agree to this code word scheme. He must have been driven to paranoia to keep his secret knowledge a secret. What drove them to use this code word scheme originally, however, is not known. Unlike Mr. King, Mr. Pedarenko did not keep electronic journals, let alone put anything in writing. He was more security conscious than Mr. King. Again, this series of e-mails makes one wonder why the Itanimulli, with all of their technical ability, did not bother to check or even verify this series of e-mails. Maybe their sense of honesty and their morality system did not allow them to consider such possibilities. The translation of the e-mail follows…
Ignore the first paragraph until you read the second paragraph. If you see the code words for double talk in the second paragraph, then you know what to do. Else, assume this is a normal message.
This is double talk. Everything after this is code word material. Give me the solution—technical material—for this problem and compress it using .ZIP format and encrypt it using PGP with the public keys we agreed to.
I want you to solve the following problem, which should be pretty easy for you do solve. I need you to electronically trace the location of some people that are visiting my blog. I’ve got their IP addresses and I need to get an address, hopefully down to a specific street address. If not, that is fine. Use whatever means you need, hopefully legal.
I’ll be sending you the IP addresses in a different file with the usual encryption scheme. Give me a solution as soon as possible.

Email to David King from Viktor Pedarenko
Subject: Answer to Computer Repair Question
I’ve got your message and thought about your problem. I’ve thought long and hard about it, and given your facts, I don’t think I can come up with a good answer. At best, my answer would not, I believe, satisfactorily answer your question without entering into vagaries and assumptions that may not be valid.
Put simply, I really can’t answer your question. To come up with an answer would require looking at the computer at my house and really digging into the guts. Your facts lead me to believe that I would have to do a thorough examination using equipment that I currently do not possess right now. You would need to send this computer to a certified engineer. They might be able to see what is wrong.
I think I know someone who can solve your problem. He is a friend of a friend of mine and his last name is McVath. He’s a real Scottish hoot. I have his business card and it has his contact information on it. I’m not sure where his business card is right now. I know I have it somewhere, so I’ll send it to you as soon as possible. My room is a mess. I need to clean it up.
Sorry I couldn’t help you with your computer problem. I hope that McVath can help you with your problem.
[Note from Editors: The following is the translation of the e-mail message…
Ignore the first paragraph until you read the second paragraph. If you see the code words for double talk in the second paragraph, then you know what to do. Else, assume this is a normal message.
Sorry, but I cannot answer your technical question. Coming up with a solution to the problem you posed is technologically unfeasible with the equipment that I have. It is also illegal as well, as if you haven’t already noticed by now. Don’t fret. I know of someone who might be able to solve your problem as he has the needed equipment and the skills to successfully pull this little, no, massive problem off.
The following is double talk. The person’s name you need to know is Smith. I have all the relevant information you need so you can contact him, but it will be sent in a different file, one that has been encrypted thoroughly. Delete all messages in case that someone might have been able to decode them.
Ignore this paragraph. It means nothing.

Entry in David King’s Electronic Journal (Decrypted)
[LAST LOGIN DATE: 10/07/04]
[ENTRY TIME: 11:58:01PM]
[ENTER PASSCODE: QdePo9#vm0PiC2$LcBeqwsA6oUyWxh5HntY8u3DFjlb61PV#&y1DxQiUYVbn9mBvCeRu5OO8kHcM49uRVyPL1%Kbm3IxVbwp]
[ENTER E-JOURNAL PASSCODE: cQ7LhG5%1DXv3Z0IkeM@9YpJdOi9#7fSZv6py!cb2Nr]
11:58:04 PM 10/19/04
I’ve set up an appointment with Smith. He’s supposedly a tech guru who can get into any system he wants to. I think this problem should be no problem at all for him.
Strange man. Devoting his whole life to computers and the phone system. Such focus. It’s almost, pardon my lightness considering my situation, almost not human.
That’s all for now. Must get sleep.